You’re never going to believe this
A half-Black writer and a Jewish printer walked into a Mexican bar—it sounds like punch line of a joke. But it’s how Disdain Designs started. We holed up, ate, drank, laughed and hatched this adventure. (It was margaritas, if you were wondering)
We both had the itch. One a mid-career mom who needed something to be passionate about again. The other, a 70-something year old hippie and serial entrepreneur who’s worked with Presidents, met rockstars and supplied fashion big wigs.
We needed to have some fucking fun in these perilous times. And give the middle finger to the establishment while we are at it.
It’s not a complicated plot for world domination…but hey if that happens we plan to erase all billionaires, pay livable wages, and take a company trip somewhere where we can have margaritas, and play our bongos on the beach.